About Us

University Church is a multicultural intergenerational open and affirming church

Worship with Us!

Among all the Hyde Park churches, University Church is unique. We represent something different from your traditional, mainline Protestant congregation. We are a multi-ethnic, open and affirming Christian congregation, seeking to be anti-racist, receiving all persons regardless of abilities and sexual orientations.

Most compelling, however, is our commitment to peace and justice ministries.

From historic partnerships in China and the Philippines to vital, continuing ministries with Angola and Guatemala, we do mission globally both in greater Chicago and the wider world. Our ministry of accompaniment with the Mayan community of Saqa Ja’ in the Guatemalan highlands began when we gave sanctuary to a family who had escaped the wars begun and funded by troops trained at the School of the Americas (now WHINSEC). That has led to a mission of solidarity that includes helping to rebuild the village of Saqa Ja’ in Guatemala, with University Church members traveling to the village every year since 1998. In these kinds of ways, we put our lives where our talents (including money) and our words speak.

In 1980, the “marriage” between South Community Church and University Church of Hyde Park infused our new common congregation with additional significant African American leaders who have empowered our ministry to combat racism and to better embrace all peoples.Easter-2014-communion

We celebrate our dual affiliation with two ecumenical denominations—the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ. At University Church you will find an array of worshippers who thank God for a church that is more embracing than doctrinal, more open to God’s leading into the future than oriented toward the past, more eclectic than elect, more diverse than homogeneous.

Come, worship with us; enjoy our social hour every Sunday; find compelling Bible and theological studies in our adult education programs; eat with us at our frequent potluck suppers; sing and dance with us.

