Ministry Partners

Christian Church Disciples of Christ chalice logoUnited Church of Christ logo

University Christian Church is in covenant with both the United Church of Christ (Chicago Metropolitan Association/Illinois Conference) and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ, Illinois-Wisconsin region) denominations. Visit their websites to learn more about the unique identity of each!

We support — either through member participation, providing meeting space, or annual contributions — the following organizations and causes:

Through the support of grants, our partners include:




Fellowship in Prayer has a mission to encourage and support a spiritual orientation to life by promoting the practice of prayer, meditation and service to others. Together we are building an interfaith library for practices during the holiday season.

Our global ministry partners include:
Evangelical Congregational Church of Angola (as a part of our Angola Partnership) and Guatemalan Cultural Action (with Global Ministries) (as a part of our Guatemala Partnership)

We also have a long-term relationship with the highland Mayan village of Saq Ja’ in Guatemala, home to a University Church family. Over the past decade, our commitment to these partnerships has included not only annual delegations but also supporting three of our members that have served as Global Ministries missionaries in Angola and Guatemala.

University Church considers its involvement in these partnerships as a vital part of its ministry. Throughout the year we affirm these missions in prayer and generous giving, while advocating for change in U.S. domestic and foreign policy. As a sign of solidarity, University Church is also a part of the New Sanctuary Movement, and is an Immigrant Welcoming Congregation.

Our Social Justice Ministry, a committee of folks who keep justice issues at the forefront of our consciousness, meets monthly to plan education items, advocacy, and action items as they relate to our church’s wider ministry.